Mar 15, 2011

16. Mankind - Condoms

"Free Condom Hamper at Honeymoon Suites in Hotels"

Tie up with the star hotel chains, and provide a complimentary special condom hamper in the Honeymoon suites. This adds a personal touch and would generate a lot of buzz along with strong Word of Mouth "


  1. Yes - This would add to the choclates,wines and fruits given in the suite!

  2. Great marketing strategy - plus it will tend to become the preferred brand in the long run... well thought of

  3. 1. Some people might perceive handing out condoms are a little gross. The average Indian is still shy about these things. Yes you could possibly place a few packets in the hotel room. But the reaction is not very certain

    2.As for becoming 'preferred brand', you will empirical data to suggest if people show any brand loyalty towards condoms. And even if they do, what(advertizing, message) does the loyalty depend on.

  4. The reaction are never certain. Our study with a small sample of couples revealed that hotels did not have condoms in the suites. Champagne,Chocolates,Flowers are always there, a packet of latex in the closet with bed would be a great idea too.

    If all new ideas were born out of data, there wouldn't have been may creative ideas in marketing.


We appreciate your feedback and help (Or if you wanna hire us)